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I'm running for Mayor because Oahu needs to make some tough and honest decisions today, for our children's sake.  

Oahu has an oligarchy that holds the power, money, opportunities and decision-making. Too many decisions are made against local residents’ best interests.

Residents are frustrated with the disconnect at City Hall. Property taxes escalated exponentially. Rail costs are out of control. Residents work two to three jobs. Seniors work to survive. Businesses and communities do not feel safe. I’m from Singapore and I know what a safe, clean, beautiful, efficient and thriving city is.  


For example: I've personally participated, observed, and analyzed City Hall for the past 20 years with my trusted friend Natalie Iwasa, CPA and Certified Fraud Examiner. We must take the government back. We must put Residents First!


We need to boldly address and reassess the Honolulu Rail Skyline with independent experts from legal, contractual, engineering, costs-estimators along with all stake holders, including the city council & HART.


We must decide whether to dissolve HART or not. We cannot use the FTA as an excuse or forget State Rights. The Public must always have a place in this dialogue. ​




​I don't have a big ego. I don't feel the need to self-promote or elevate myself as a "leader". It's no secret that the 10,000 hardworking employees who keep the city in operation. The Mayor could go on a long vacation and not be missed too much. A Mayor sets the direction and the culture of city hall. I want to be the Mayor who lifts all boats and put Residents First!


My 34-years as a successful small business woman require that I solve challenges and obstacles promptly. I listen and dialogue with all the issues at hand and offer solutions. Our industry standard requires a 100% consensus with full disclosure, transparency, and fairness with all affected parties.


This industry requirement is certainly higher than the city's Majority Rule where the minority loses. I've worked with billions of dollars through the years. We respect and keep personal transactions in full confidence. I'm also the only mayoral candidate who has been bird-dogging and testifying at the City's budget process (and other issues) for the past 20 years! I'm frugal and fair by nature and so I notice clearly what's happening to your hard-earn money.


I also believe in respecting the US Constitution, Hawaii State Constitution, and the City Charter.

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I continue to enjoy my international friends throughout the world. I still have a large family in Singapore, Korea, and Great Britain. My lifelong international exposure and interactions broaden my views and thought-process - Live local and think global


.​I love Oahu. I love you. I want you to be happy, prosper, and succeed. You deserve a clean, safe, and thriving environment. Together, we can make Oahu a better place for our children and future generations.


My kuleana as Mayor is to promote your happiness, prosperity, safety, and general welfare in a sustainable and resilient manner for today and future generations. I sincerely hope I can persuade YOU to stand with me.























From Singapore to Honolulu

















I was educated under the British Cambridge System in Singapore. We were taught the classic literature works, analytical thinking, the arts and sciences. We were also required to take classes in basic electricity, woodwork and metal work during our secondary (high) school years! On Saturdays, we supported our clubs and communities. I came to Oahu when I was 17 and graduated with a BA in English and Minor in TESOL. I worked myself through college.


I've been a successful small business woman in the real estate sector for over 30 years. Oahu's quality of life, housing struggles., costs of living and sustainability of our island home are major concerns to me.​My decades of civic involvement are mainly focused on public interest, good government, fiscal accountability, environment, and land-use issues. I've served in various capacities, such as founding college and community organizations. I've served on hospital, land-use advisory, and alumni boards. I had the privilege to serve on the Oahu Grand Jury for a year. I enjoy volunteering and working with our women, youth, and college students associations.


Like many of you, I was a soccer, PTA mom and Boy Scout Merit Badge Counselor. I also provide volunteer counseling for real estate. I've been participating in civic affairs since I was a teenager in Singapore. We would go in pairs to collect donations for charities or volunteer at a Children's Home and so on. I was always interested in public affairs and my surroundings.

















​I can't exactly explain what made me very interested in public affairs. Maybe it was because of my seven brothers and two sisters. Maybe it was my best friends who were Chinese, Muslims, Indians, Malays, with different cultures and beliefs. It could be the young German stranger who came to live with us or the houseless man my mother took in. Or perhaps, the foreign reporters living near us covering the Vietnam War. Or, it could be simply living in an off-grid thatched-roof home with a "single" mother of 10 children; she was the second wife. (My father had three wives.) There were always a lot of discussions and learning.


We received tons of free materials from the American Embassy with books on American figures like US Presidents, Buffalo Bill, Will Rogers, Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett and so on. We learnt to understand and love the US Constitutional rights in addition to the British Rules of Law. There were always exciting conversations about anything and everything while the adults drank beer, ate duck feet, and fresh cockle shells. There were always good and bad guys in their stories. We always wanted to be on the good side to save the world!​





Additionally, my real estate profession has also given me frontline knowledge about Oahu's residents. Some use their own private jet while many others struggle to stay afloat. My profession requires me to find solutions and results promptly with all affected parties.


My other volunteer civic work has enlarged my perspectives on Oahu's needs and solutions. My life-long involvement and interests include good governance, civil rights, land-use, affordable housing, environmental stewardship, food sustainability, farming, stocks brokerage, international women and youth organizations.

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We run our campaign on a shoestring budget. I'm not asking for your donation. I'm asking for your vote.  I can win, only with your vote.  I'm 100% confident that I cannot be bought and sold. I will put our Residents First! 


Please share this with at least five of your friends. Mahalo piha!


Together We Can,



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